Find a Lost Pet

When your pet is lost, time is of the essence. The sooner the process begins, the better your chances are of getting the animal back. Animals tend to move in a counter clockwise direction from the place where they become lost. While you are searching, don’t forget to put a blanket, towel, shirt outside near the entrance. And check it often to see if your friend has come home or come back to snuggle in it even if you weren’t there.


Look all around your home and the neighborhood. Check out debris piles, sheds, under vehicles, etc. Don’t rule anything out. It’s amazing where an animal can hide!

Tell Everyone

Post and hand out flyers in your immediate area – businesses, your postman, neighbors, delivery services, etc.


Include a large picture of the animal (preferably in color) or a picture of an animal of the same breed. Add the word “REWARD” in big red letters at the top and “for information leading to the return of this lost pet” in smaller letters below it. Be sure to include the date and general location the animal was lost. (And don’t forget to remove the flyers when your animal returns so people are not continuing to look.)

Tell Animal Care Personnel

Call the local vets, animal control officers, shelters, lost animal agencies, and rescue groups in the area. If appropriate, contact the breed rescue group in your city/county/state. And continue to contact them every couple of days until your animal is home.

Drive Around

Travel the nearby roads within at least a 2-mile radius of where the animal was lost. Walk any areas which seem remotely possible for your animal to be lost in, and do so on a daily basis. Animals are usually not comfortable around vehicles so they will probably not come up to yours. If they can smell your scent and hear your voice (a few of the reasons for walking the area) it may give them enough of a sense of safety to come to you.

Run An Ad

Place an ad in your local newspapers. Many papers will do a short ad for free.

Follow Your Instincts

Are there areas the animal could get into but not out of? A shed, a basement, under a building, in a garage? Check them repeatedly. Lost animals move frequently. If you have a gut reflex about a place, check it out no matter how impractical it may seem.

Be Patient

Your search may go on for some time. Know that animals are very resourceful about taking care of themselves. They can do without food a lot longer than they can without water.

Use Telepathic Communication

The Light – Picture in your mind a big beacon (similar to a lighthouse) or a beam of light shooting straight up (similar to the powerful lights used at night to announce a grand opening or event). Picture this light coming from the area or object you wish your animal friend to go to or return to. Hold that picture in your mind with the intent that it is drawing the animal to that spot. Imagine that the beacon is rotating 360 degrees, searching for and reaching out to your animal. Your intent is that this beacon or beam of light is (not will but is,) drawing your animal friend back to you, guiding him or her home. Imagine that your animal friend can “see” this light in his or her mind too. Intent is the most important part of this technique, so don’t worry if you can’t “see” such a light in your mind’s eye. Imagine that you can. Periodically reaffirm this intention by picturing the beacon or beam of light.

Online Pet Locator Resources

We are in the process of updating our list of online resources and will add them to this page soon.