MetroWest Humane Society started as the Framingham Animal Humane Society in 1976 when a few local residents banded together to make a change in the way stray animals were cared for in our area and to raise community awareness on animal issues. Our first shelter was in the attic of a founding member’s home. We have been exceptionally fortunate to have generous supporters who have provided the means for us to purchase the property in 1994 and then expand the shelter in 2007. We provide a home for over 70 cats at at the shelter and additional animals are cared for by volunteers who participate as foster care providers.
We began taking in animals before the TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) programs were popular, so many of the original animals in our care were afraid of or abused by humans. Sadly, it takes more than just love to overcome the damage that was done to some of them. As a no-kill shelter, we are committed to providing them with a home until they are adopted. We do not euthanize an animal as long as they can maintain quality of life.
As our name suggests, our work is based in the Metrowest area of Massachusetts. We believe that every animal we bring to our shelter or into our programs deserves an opportunity to have a happy, healthy life. We provide food, shelter and medical care to all the animals that come to us. The population of lost, abandoned, or injured/ill animals is growing at a staggering rate, so living up to our promise is costly and complex. We do it by providing what only caring human beings can provide: heart.
Your donation is always appreciated, thank-you.
If you’d like to contact the shelter please call us at 508-875-3776, email us at info@metrowesthumanesociety.org, or fill out the form below. Thank you.